Allison Weiner


Even though coding is the perfect job for Allison Weiner, it’s the outcome of a quarter life crisis. Being a California transplant from the East Coast, it’ll come as no surprise that she attended Gallaudet University, where she received her Bachelor’s in Accounting. After moving to San Diego and working as an accountant for a few years, she realized it wasn’t what she was meant to do. So, she decided to quit her job and study at a computer science boot camp in San Francisco, which turned out to be the best thing she could ever have done. 

Allison has been working as a software engineer at Convo Relay for the past four years. Her expertise and focus is mostly in back end engineering but since she is a voracious learner, she is capable of and enjoys working on other parts of the tech stack such as front end, DevOps & Data Engineering/Analysis.

In hindsight, when Allison thinks back to her childhood and all the HTML/CSS/JavaScript coding she did to make the coolest Myspace & Neopets profiles known to man, she realizes how obvious her career choice should have been all along.

Workshop Description:

Signing in tech settings doesn’t have to be scary! The tech world might be completely foreign to you, and that’s what I’m here for. 

During this workshop, you can expect to learn:

– A variety of tech-related English words and their corresponding ASL signs

– What you should and shouldn’t do when interpreting in tech settings

– A typical day in the life of a software engineer

– Whether or not to take tech jobs even if you’re not confident with the vocabulary and concepts

I hope to help you gain some insight into what it’s like for deaf people who work in this realm and feel less nervous about taking tech jobs – we need you!